A test game I made to self learn tower defense stuff in Phaser. You can read more about it in this blog post.

I had other things I needed to do this week so I decided to publish what I have but kept the developer panel for customizing the balance. May return to the concept in the future.

All assets were drawn by me.
The Phaser RexUI Plugin for the button: https://phaser.io/news/2019/01/rexui-plugins


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Thanks for participating in Week Sauce! I know we talked about you being done with this prototype and wanting to move to the next thing, but I think you could make it more fun to play (and easier to see what things need tweaking for balance) with just 2 or 3 changes:

  1. Life bars for enemies, to let the player know what ones are about to die and what ones need more towers around.
  2. Lives for the player. I know there is a game over when enough of the enemies cross to the end… but don't really know how many. With some UI with hearts that get removed when enemies "hit you", it would be more clear how far the player is from losing.
  3. This one is more optional, but some indication of the tower's range (how close the enemy needs to be before they start shooting) as a circle (well, ellipse) on the floor, would really help with tower positioning.

As you can see, all these are about giving the player more info and feedback on how the game is going. After that, you could also juice it up with:

  • Sounds!
  • Faster shooting.
  • Cooldown timers.
  • Simple animations each time a tower shoots (like just resizing it for a quarter of a second would work).
  • Simple death animations for the enemies.

All these things are again not about the game itself; you could still do a lot with tower upgrades, the economy of the game, different types of enemies… all the usual tower defense things. However, they do add a lot of style and playability even to a prototype with simple graphics like this.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. Great job! Keep making more!